

Global Human Resource Structures

Working over 30+ years, restructuring companies and creating benefits. Our associates have extensive expertise and knowledge. We can help find solutions and negotiate health care benefits and structuring plans.

Labor Relations

Over the years, our associates have developed great relationships with local unions all over the world. We can help you get your foot in the door to create good relationships, streamline communication and assist with negotiations.

Streamlining IT

Our associates are experienced IT professionals that can help you streamline your business. Software implementation in your company can help everyday life, in turn this will increase productivity and efficiency. We can help train staff with any new implementations to create cost savings.

Executive Search

Our associates have extensive experience in executive positions at Fortune 500 companies, Working with top talent agencies to fill executive roles. We can assist you with finding well-qualified and experienced individuals that will fill the roles needed.


In the 20+ years in the hospitality industry, our associates are seasoned and well diverse from Gaming, Hospitality, to Timeshare. Our associates have held key roles in creating teams to accomplish a variety of goals; like providing a better experience for the consumers and staff.

Organization Development

Structuring companies after mergers can be difficult, and restructuring and creating a better more efficient production environment can be just as difficult. We have the knowledge and the resources to help you craft a successful new environment to support your company’s efficiency and productivity.